Introduction to Science Technology Innovation-Capacity Building Cell

Science Technology Innovation-Capacity Building Cell (STI-CBC) was set up at the Office of the Principal Scientific Adviser to the Government of India in collaboration with the Capacity Building Commission (CBC), to ensure effective roll out of capacity building and training programmes for scientists in government departments, funding agencies and Research & Development laboratories. The Cell coordinates and handholds all Science & Technology departments to develop and launch upskilling and future training modules both at individual and institutional levels. The Cell is working towards capacity building interventions through a structured Induction program for junior scientists (Sc B to Sc D) and a S&T Leadership program for senior level scientists (Sc E to Sc G).

Why Scientific Capacity Building

Capacity Building would allow the scientific departments to keep pace with the rapidly changing landscape of the sector the department operates in and for its employees to evolve tech usage in the workspace. Capacity building exercises will be necessary to nurture capable scientific minds for the rapidly evolving science and technology scenarios in the nation. The scientific departments contribute to the national goals through three key outcomes:

Driving research excellence: Scientific departments carry out fundamental and advanced research, the research outcomes are useful to push the boundaries of knowledge from basic sciences to advanced technological solutions.

  • Volume and quality of scientific outputs
  • Outputs relative to expenditure
  • Development of new research networks
  • Availability of research skills
  • Improved use of research infrastructure

Enabling Institution-Industry Collaborations and Technology Transfer: The scientific departments of government generate technologies with potential use cases in industry and other government departments.

  • Intellectual property regulation
  • Employment regulations on research commercialization
  • Technology transfer offices
  • Design and execution of programs to support science-industry collaboration.

Supporting growth of Business Innovations: The translation of research to market, banks heavily on the support systems such as iIncubators, venture funding and innovation procurements. The growth of the private sector would have to be supported

  • Access to finance: funding, grants, and debts
  • Innovation supportive regulations: Tax incentives and trade regulations
  • Supportive innovation ecosystem: Mentors and Incubators
  • Technology extension services
  • Standards and technical regulations

Capacity building program across scientific ministries and departments envisages a holistic approach to develop knowledge resources and capabilities that would aid in furthering individual and institutional performance and thereby, equipping the stakeholders to adapt with changing times with appropriate inputs related to behavioural, functional and domain competencies.

Important Milestones

  • STI-CB Cell and Capacity Building Commission has initiated the Competency Need Analysis of six departments [ISRO, MOES, DBT, DST, DAE & CSIR] and is curating an Annual Capacity Building (ACB) Plan with training need assessment and a plan of action for implementation for all level of scientific and non-scientific staff.
  • Asynchronous digital modules for scientific departments through iGOT platform
  • Science Leadership program and Scientist induction program
  • Scientist immersion visits
  • The Science Leadership module in hybrid mode was designed, developed by CTIER, Pune & Ahmedabad university and successfully launched at ISRO premises, Bengaluru. A cohort of 29 senior scientists drawn from 6 departments undertook the training program between 7th to 8th September 2022 [online mode], and 27th to 30th September [In-person mode].

 Knowledge Partners

  • STI-CB Cell and Capacity Building Commission has initiated the Competency Need Analysis of six departments [ISRO, MOES, DBT, DST, DAE & CSIR] and is curating an Annual Capacity Building (ACB) Plan with training need assessment and a plan of action for implementation for all level of scientific and non-scientific staff.
  • Asynchronous digital modules for scientific departments through iGOT platform
  • Science Leadership program and Scientist induction program
  • Scientist immersion visits
  • The Science Leadership module in hybrid mode was designed, developed by CTIER, Pune & Ahmedabad university and successfully launched at ISRO premises, Bengaluru. A cohort of 29 senior scientists drawn from 6 departments undertook the training program between 7th to 8th September 2022 [online mode], and 27th to 30th September [In-person mode].

Capacity Building Structure


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