Call for proposals "to analyse Poshan Abhiyan data for predictive and pattern modelling using Artificial intelligence and Machine Learning” by the Ministry of Women and Child Development

The Office of Principal Scientific Adviser to the Government of India is facilitating a call for proposals "to analyse Poshan Abhiyan data for predictive and pattern modelling using Artificial intelligence and Machine Learning ” by the Ministry of Women and Child Development.

Ministry of Women and Child Development governs Poshan Abhiyaan. Poshan Tracker is a monitoring tool under Poshan Abhiyaan. The ‘Poshan Tracker’ is a mobile based application rolled out by the Ministry of Women and Child Development, Government of India on 1st March 2021 through the National e-Governance Division (NeGD), Poshan Tracker is an important governance tool. Technology under Poshan Tracker is being leveraged for dynamic identification of stunting, wasting, and under-weight prevalence among children and last-mile tracking of nutrition service delivery.

The Poshan Tracker is a job-aid to the Anganwadi worker for efficient delivery of services along with the reflection of their efforts. It is a critical and beneficiary-centric service delivery Application under POSHAN Abhiyaan which will promote real-time data with analytics.

Objective: Monitor and Achieve Desired Milestones

Read as mentioned eg: Reduce overall stunting by 6% and per annum, it should be 2%

Prevent and reduce stunting in children (0-6 years)

Target: 6% @2% per annum

Prevent and reduce under weight in children (0-6 years)

Target: 6% @2% per annum

Reduce the prevalence of Anaemia among Children

Target: 9% @3% per annum

Reduce the prevalence of Anaemia among Women and Adolescent Girls in the age group of 15-49 years

Target: 9% @3% per annum

Reduce Low Birth Weight (LBW)

Target: 6% @2% per annum

Interested applicants can submit their proposal to analyse Poshan Abhiyan data for predictive and pattern modelling using AI/ML.

Timeline:  The last date to apply is 31st of March 2023 

To know more and apply.


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