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5th National Science, Technology and Innovation Policy (STIP)

A Milestone
In Indian
STI Ecosystem
  • Bottom-Up
  • Decentralised
  • Expert-Driven
  • Evidence-Informed
  • Inclusive


The Government of India will launch its 5th National Science, Technology and Innovation Policy, a holistic and pragmatic policy dedicated to Science, technology, and most importantly innovation. The policy aims to reorient Science Technology & Innovation (STI) in terms of priorities, sectoral focus, and strategies.

The 5th National STIP is initiated jointly by the Office of the Principal Scientific Adviser (Office of PSA) and the Department of Science and Technology (DST). A Secretariat with in-house "policy knowledge and data support unit" has been set up at the Department of Science and Technology to coordinate the entire process.


The Process

An engaging and inclusive model with four interconnected tracks has been envisioned to formulate the 5th National STIP. The consultation processes on different tracks have already started and are running simultaneously. Key and novel features of the 5th National STIP are Bottom-up, Decentralised, Experts-Driven, Evidence-informed, and Inclusive to provide a holistic outline for a scientific future.

  • Track – 1

    Extended public and expert consultation

    Focuses  to create a repository of public voices that will act as a guiding force for the drafting process 

    Track – 1
  • Track – 2

    Thematic Groups

    Consultations comprises 21 expert-driven thematic collectives to feed evidence based recommendations into the policy drafting process.

    Track – 2
  • Track – 3

    Ministerial and state consultation

    Bring together Ministries and States in extensive engagement through nominated nodal officers. 

    Track – 3
  • Track – 4

    Apex Level Multi-Stakeholder Engagement

    Aims at acting as a uniting force leading tp high-level multi-stakeholder engagement at the national and global levels. Inputs from these wide-ranging deliberations will finally lead to STIP 2020. 

    Track – 4

How to Contribute

There are multiple ways to engage with the policymaking process. With the aim to collate the input and outreach, six unique national-level initiatives have been launched. Through realtime online conversations with dynamic experts, thematic webinars, focused survey instruments, digital and print media campaigns along with community radio broadcasts, the 5th National STIP aims to generate a wide-ranging national engagement. To coordinate the end-to-end policy process, the 5th National STIP Secretariat is set up at DST (Technology Bhavan) having joint team at Office of PSA and DST . 

For any queries related to 5th National STIP, please contact Dr. Chagun Basha at

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